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THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 26 Worldviews, Theology and Biblical Studies
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 26 Worldviews, Theology and Biblical Studies
by SPCK - N T Wright
Worldviews, Theology and Biblical Studies It will by now be clear that all study, all reading of texts, all attempts to reconstruct history, take place within particular worldviews. This could appear to force interpreters into a difficult choice, between (shall we say) a post- En…
How God Became King - 7b (part 3) God and Caesar in the Gospels
How God Became King - 7b (part 3) God and Caesar in the Gospels
by SPCK - N T Wright
God and Caesar in the Gospels These are vital strands of what John is doing throughout his gospel. When, after the final prayer (chap. 17) and the arrest and the Jewish trial (18.1–27), we find Jesus standing before Pilate (18.28—19.16), we ought to know, because John has set it …
the historical character of Jesus - 1c Portraits of Jesus
the historical character of Jesus - 1c Portraits of Jesus
by SPCK - David Allen
Portraits of Jesus If, then, the non-Gospel material does have something useful to contribute to studies of Jesus, how might we go about using them? Our approach in this book will be to try and answer two distinct but related questions…
the historical character of Jesus - 2e Jesus the Baptist?
the historical character of Jesus - 2e Jesus the Baptist?
by SPCK - David Allen
Jesus the Baptist? If Peter’s healing is partly about the continuation of what Jesus of Nazareth had begun, then one might ask the same question regarding baptismal practice. The first thing that Peter requires in the aftermath of the gift of the Spirit is that his hearers repent…
Jesus Gets Colic reflection
Jesus Gets Colic reflection
by Jonathan Miller
Collick Jesus is screaming, baby Jesus, purple in the face barely breathing in.......screaming. It is probably 2 in the morning, but the state Mary is in she cannot tell. Jesus has been screaming for what seems to Mary like 4 hours, inconsolable unless moving, bouncing, jiggling.…
The Narrow Road Show - The Aldridges
The Narrow Road Show - The Aldridges
by Roy Jackson
A young woman goes to her youth leader for help a revue sketch. THE ALDRIDGES MRS A IS CHECKING HER HAIR AND MAKE—UP PRIOR TO GOING TO THE HOUSE GROUP. THERE IS A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. MRS A Sugar! (SHE OPENS THE DOOR AND SMILES) Hello. CAROL Sorry to bother you, Mrs Aldridge. MRS A…
Jesus is Alive
Jesus is Alive
by Don Stott
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) Insert as Picture in the normal way. If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in the t…
Baby in a Manger
Baby in a Manger
by Rose humphrey
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Blindingly Obvious
Blindingly Obvious
by Meryl White
A reflection on the story of Bartimeaus and the first thing he saw - the triumphal entry to Jerusalem. After and introduction to the story, the author attempts to consider the events leading up to Jesus triumphal entry to Jerusalem through the eyes of a blind beggar. It ponders o…
God is not partial
God is not partial
by Andrew Pratt
Epiphany 1 year A Isaiah 42: 1-9; Acts 10: 34-43 Matthew 3: 13-17 Hymn: God is not partial God is not partial, calls all the people, builds up the broken, comforts the frail, raises the fallen, walks with the outcast, loves without limits, love will not fail... Andrew Pratt (bo…
John The People's Commentary - The Light comes to a Blind Man
John The People's Commentary - The Light comes to a Blind Man
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
The Light comes to a Blind Man The story of how the light of the world comes to heal a blind man is beautifully written. Although it is self-contained in chapter 9, its part in the development of the gospel is significant…
The Womens' Bible Commentary - The Anointing of Jesus